• Last date for abstract submission has been extended to 15th January 2024.
  • Last date for Early Bird Registration has been extended up to 15 January 2024.


The AFS was established in 1984 with Head Quarters in the Philippines and a few of us who were the founding members started the Indian Branch in the year 1986. The First Indian Fisheries Forum was held in 1987 in Mangalore which was a grand success. Since then, every three years, the AFS Indian Branch has been holding the Indian Forum successfully. In fact it is the only Branch of the AFS which has been holding the national event once in every 3 years with out any break. During the past 25 years, the Indian Fisheries Forum has made its presence as an established platform to share fisheries knowledge through conferences, seminars, brain storming, workshops, and publications to bring in to focus the recent issues in research, technology, development and policy. It has established its Head Quarters Building in Mangalore and have carried out commendable work through workshops, seminars, symposia, publications, projects, and through recognizing merit through many awards and promoting young scientists. The past chairmen Prof. HPC Shetty, Prof. K.V.Devaraj, Dr.S.Ayyappan and Prof. Mohan Joseph Modayil had provided the required guidance. The founding Secretary Dr.Nandeesha and the successor Dr.Mohan Joseph Modayil who held two terms could build up the society to an enviable leval. They also built the HQ building in Mangalore from the land kindly provided by the then Vice Chancellor and Chairman of the Society Dr.K.V.Devaraj. Many had contributed to what AFSIB is today.